Saturday, 27 September 2014

Element of C language

What is Element of C language?

Every language has basic element and its own grammatical rules. Before starting programming we must to know basic of programming and its element. Elements C are-

1.       Character Set: The character set that are used in C program according to user.

                                                        i.            Alphabets :

 Capital A, B, C, D, E, F, G……………..Z
Small a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I……………….z

                                                      ii.            Digits
All the number 0 to 9 are digits e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9,0
                                                     iii.            Special Characters :  Special characters are used in the program for specific task each character has its own meaning in the program just like & used for address, ++  used for increment, [] used  for array, * sign for pointer etc.

 Plus sign
                     Minus sign(hyphen)
           Less than sign
                Greater than sign
               Left parenthesis
                Right parenthesis
            Backward slash
    Left braces
      Right braces
      Left bracket
        Right bracket
           Double quotes
        Single quotes
            Question marks
   At the rate
  Dollar sign
      Escape Sequences: Execution character or escape character represented by two characters. The first character is “\”and second character is from the C character set.  Escape character always start with “\” symbol for e.g. \n . these character combination is known as escape character and it is very use full in the c program. C supports some Escape sequence that has its own meaning. Blank, horizontal, vertical tab newline, carriage return, form feed also known as whitespace.

Why use
Back Space
Moves the cursor to the previous position of the current line.
Bell alert
Generate a beep sound for alert.
New line
Move the cursor at beginning of the next line.
Carriage return
Move the cursor to beginning of the current line.
for null
Form feed
Moves the cursor to the initial position of the next logical page.
Horizontal Tab
moves the cursor to the next horizontal tab. 5 space at a time.
Vertical tab
Moves the cursor to the next vertical tab.
Print the character with (\).

3.       Trigraph Character: There is a possibility that the keyboard doesn’t print some character.C support  the facility of “trigraph sequence” to print these characters. This trigraph has three characters. First two are ‘??’ and third character is any character of C character set .


              Delimiters: Delimiters are used for Syntactic meaning in C.that have a specific task in the                         program.

:                                                       Colon                                                    used for label

;                                                       Semicolon                                             end of statement

( )                                                    Parenthesis                                           used in expression

[ ]                                                    square brackets                                    used for array

{ }                                                    Curly Braces                                        used for block of                                                                                                                                   statement

#                                                       Hash                                                     preprocessor directive

‘                                                       Comma                                                   variable  delimiter

       Reserved Word /Keyword: Reserved Words are that word which are reserved for doing specific tasks. These words are known as keywords and they have standard, predefined meaning in C.keywords always written in lowercase. there are 32 keywords in c language.
    for example. auto, break, case, char, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum,                          extern, float, for, goto, if, int,long,register, return, short, sizeof, static, struct,                      switch, typedef, union, void, volatile, while.

Identifiers : All the words that we will use in our C programs either keyword or identifiers.keywords are predefined and can't be changed by user, while identifiers are user defined words and are used to give name to entities like variables, array , functions,structure etc. Rules for naming identifier are-

  1. The name should consist of only alphabets (both upper and lower case), digits and underscore sign(_).
  2. first  character should be an alphabet or underscore.
  3. The name should not be a keyword.
  4. Since C is case sensitive, the uppercase and lowercase letters are considered different. e.g CODE , code both are different.
  5. An identifier name may be arbitrarily long. some implementation of c recognize only the first eight character , though most implementation recognize 31 characters. ANSI standard compilers recognize 31 character.
    Some Valid identifier is :  1.  Value
                                                2.  a
                                                3.  net_save
                                                4.  _save
                                                5.  SAVE

  Some Invalid identifier is:  1.  9ab
                                                2. float
                                                3. rd#
                                                4. a b


  • in the first 9ab, first character should be alphabet or underscore sign so it is invalid identifier.

  •    in second float, float is a keyword so it is invalid.

  • in the third rd#, # is the special character so its also invalid.  

  •  in fourth a b, space is not allow in identifier.

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